Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sexy Latex Val: Sexy Val- In Her New Guess Black Denim Jeans in Black Zipper Boots

Source:Sexy Latex Val- Sexy Latex Val, in her black Guess denim jeans , in black zipper boots.

Source:The Daily Press 

"Sexy Val In Her New GUESS Black Jeans and Zipper Boots" 

From Sexy Latex Val

When I think of sexy women, not women who could pass as hookers, I think of women who are  attractive, well built, and wearing tight denim with boots, tight jeans in boots or jeans over boots.  You see biker chicks, rocker chicks,  cowgirls, female construction workers, and waitresses wearing them.  You see women wearing tight jeans to the office.  If you're a guy and you're religious, you should thank God for casual Friday.

This beautiful redhead takes it a step further by wearing a short tight top, and a black leather Jacket with skin-tight black denim Guess jeans and black leather zipper boots.  She is filmed, presumably, by her boyfriend or husband.  Out for the day, we see her out moving around in her sexy outfit. Val has a great body.  She knows it and is not afraid of the world seeing it because she knows who she is. She takes the attitude that if you have it, you should be proud of it and not be afraid to show it. Gotta love her for that.

By the way, I wish black denim jeans were more popular among women.  Black leather jeans are fairly common now.  Black denim jeans they might be just as sexy as blue denim jeans. They sort of have the look of leather jeans.  I  understand why women wouldn't want to wear black jeans in the summer in the State of Maryland where I live because of the heat and humidity.  But in the fall and winter, why not.

So my hat's off to "Sexy Val" for taking care of herself, looking great, and  not being afraid to show the world how great she looks. She makes black denim jeans look as sexy as possible and I would love to see more women take her lead, especially in the winter, when those jeans would help keep them warm as well.

Learn Liberty: Aeon Skoble- 'Individualism vs. Collectivism'

Source: Learn Liberty- Aeon Skoble, on individualism and collectivism. 
"Libertarianism Explained: Individualism vs. Collectivism presented by Learn Liberty.Learn More:Learn Liberty. Prof. Aeon Skoble claims that if we really care about the wellbeing of communities, we should keep in mind the unique and autonomous individuals that make it up.  Each individual is deserving of respect and dignity, and should be free to pursue their own ends as long as they don't infringe upon the freedom of others.  Although the concept of community is important, it does not warrant overlooking the individuals that comprise it."

From Learn Liberty

There are many types of of governments in the world, governments where freedom is vast economically and socially and people have the right to elect their own leaders with open and free multi-party elections and can freely speak out against their leaders.  This is called a liberal democracy, America for example.

Governments where freedom is tightly controlled and limited and government has a huge say in how people live, where you can even risk going to prison without a fair trial for speaking out would be an authoritarian government, with Iran a good example. 

Then there are governments where social freedom is vast, as in a liberal democracy with open and free multi-party elections where people can speak out against their leaders and government but where economic freedom might be limited and where the people are subjected to high taxes and the economy is tightly regulated. Sweden would be a good example. 

With liberalism and individualism, people have the right to live their own lives as they see fit for the most part as long as they are not hurting anyone else and where people can be as successful as their skills and production will allow, which is determined by a private market, and are not subjected to high taxes and controlled by excessive regulations. That is a liberal democracy, with America being the perfect example. In a liberal democracy, people have the liberty to live their own lives without worrying about government intrusion. 

With a socialist collectivist society, the government tightly controls economic freedom and taxes it highly, so when people "make too much money" compared with the rest of society, that money is taken away from them and given to people who do not have enough and lack the ability to make a lot more money and be more successful.  Even if their skills and production call for it, government will take it away.   This is called a social democracy, where you are no stronger than your weakest link. 

What makes America great and the greatest country in the world and why we're still the envy of the world and people still emigrate here is our freedom and form of government, where if you get a good education and skills, you can live your own life as you see fit and be as successful in life as your skills and production will allow, which is determined by a private market. 

America has been a liberal democracy for 234 years now and overall it's worked very well.  We are the best country in the world and when we move away from that foundation, we slip back. 

You can also see this post at WordPress.

Madi Heels: Sexy Blonde- Platform Boots & Jeans

Source:Madi Heels-  Sexy Blonde, in skinny jeans in boots & leather n denim.

Source:The Daily Press

"Platform boots and jeans." Originally from Madi Heels, but the video has since been deleted or blocked on YouTube.

Here’s another tall, gorgeous, and well-built blonde with tight curves wearing a leather jacket, skin-tight denim jeans, and black leather platform boots, the jackpot for sexy outfits as far as I’m concerned.

Even a blind gay man would notice a woman like her walking down the street in that outfit.  ( No offense to blind gay men, there’s nothing wrong with that if that is who you are). It combines the two sexiest fabrics in fashion right now, leather and denim, with platform boots.

It’s a burger and fries or Montana to Rice, ( to use an NFL sports analogy for you NFL football fans especially San Francisco 49er fans )  the ultimate combination it can’t be beat except, perhaps, by replacing the platform boots with flat boots, which I prefer on women.

This woman looks very sexy without looking like a hooker ( for the most part ).  She looks like she might even have a brain and uses it to make her living, might not need her sexy physical appearance. to pay the bills.

That’s the sexiest combination to me, beauty and intelligence, as good as burger and fries or Montana to Rice, the ultimate of combinations. 

Liberal Democrat

Liberal Democrat
Liberal Democracy