Monday, December 11, 2017

Marilyn Monroe: Mysteries & Scandals (1998)

Source:Classic Hollywood Central- this is from a Mysteries and Scandals documentary about Hollywood Babydoll Marilyn Monroe.

Source:The New Democrat

“Hey, guys! I’m kind of addicted to a series on here called “Mysteries and Scandals” that aired on E! from 1998-2001. I thought the music used in the series was extremely beautiful and I went on the hunt for the instrumental pieces and found a lot of them. I decided to make a series based on this called “Mysteries and Scandals Music”. The piece in this video is not used in a particular episode, but it’s just as beautiful as the music that is. The title is “Marilyn” and the artist is Percy Faith. I do not own any of the material presented here. Thanks for watching :)”

"E! Mysteries & Scandals: Marilyn Monroe (1998)

Noreen Siegel (Monroe's doctor's wife), Jeanne Carmen (actress), James Spada (biographer), Jack Clemmons (cop on scene), James Haspiel (author), Evelyn Moriarty (friend) and Dr. John Miner are interviewed about the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe.

Monroe's entire life was nothing but mysteries and scandals so her acting career isn't even discussed here because the main focus is her controversial death and the various theories surrounding it. Was it a suicide? Accidental overdose? Were the Kennedy's involved? Or perhaps the maid? Each of these theories are discussed and we get interviews with a cop who was first on the scene of her death as well as several of Monroe's friends. This is certainly one of the better episodes in the series simply because Monroe's death was just so bizarre that it opens up a can of worms in regards to the theories as to what happened. If you're a fan of the series you'll certainly enjoy the episode...  

From IMDB 

"The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe and her death on August 4th 1962."  

Source:Marilyn Monroe History- Hollywood Babydoll Marilyn Monroe 
From Marilyn Monroe History

I don't believe there is much if any mystery to the death of Marilyn Monroe. Hate to break it to the people who have to believe that there was some suspicious Hollywood like scandal involving the death of one of their Hollywood icons and celebrities. People who believe that John F. Kennedy had ordered the death of Marilyn and perhaps had her pint-size brother Bobby commit the murder himself. The same people who perhaps believe that Lyndon Johnson ordered the death of President Kennedy. Maybe they also believe that LBJ ordered the death of JFK because he wanted Marilyn for himself.

But thats an issue with conspiracy theories they tend not to have a lot of intelligence and reasoning behind him. And tend to be put together by people who simply have too much time on their hands or have a tough time dealing with the real world what the rest of us call Planet Earth and they escape to the planet of Fantasyland where they simply see things that no one else can. And not because they have even better than 20/20 vision or borrowed Superman's supervision. But because they see things that simply don't exist. Their bodies might be on Earth but their minds are on Fantasyland.

You could argue suicide and not sound like someone who just escaped from a mental institution. Marilyn Monroe did have a history of depression and lacked self-confidence. Here's a woman who was 5'5-5'6 who had a great body who cill fill out denim jeans and tight dresses and skirts as well or better than any woman who has ever lived, who had a beautiful body obviously. 

Marilyn was ta hot, baby-faced, adorable woman with a little girls' personality to match her baby face and yet you have this beautiful hot Los Angeles August Saturday night and she's home alone in her big house. With only her maid as far as any possible company. Which I believe could back any possible suicide theory . Why is this Hollywood goddess home alone on this gorgeous summer Saturday night?

55 years later I still believe the best theory to how and why Marilyn Monroe died during the summer of 1962 was an overdose. Again, she had a history of depression, was a borderline alcoholic if not an alcoholic and was addicted to pain killers. A lot of those pills dealing with the depression that she had. 

I'm not arguing suicide but when you're drunk you tend to do a lot of stupid things unintentionally. (Not that I'm speaking from personal experience) Especially if you get drunk on a regular basis.

And its very believable that she simply not just drank too much that night but even after having all of that alcohol still wasn't feeling very well and decided that she needed something else to make her feel better. So she turns to pills. Pills and alcohol together, is like fire and gas together: you only put those things together when you want a big explosion. 

So Marilyn is drinking too much and then taking not just pills but too many pills and I still believe the best theory is that she unintentionally overdosed which is what killed her and that she unintentionally killed herself.

People who are going to argue that someone murdered someone else need a better theory than the supposed target has dirt on them that they're about to release which is why the supposed suspect or suspects had their target murdered. You need to at least be able to put a suspect at the place where the supposed target was murdered at the time or about the time that the target died. 

Again, people who believe that both Jack and Bob Kennedy were involved the death of Marilyn Monroe, perhaps also believe that Lyndon Johnson ordered the death of Jack Kennedy. Lyndon just happening to be the Vice President of the United States when he supposedly had President Kennedy murdered. The same evidence to offer LBJ being behind the death of JFK, is the same evidence that has been offered to support JFK and RFK, being behind the death of Marilyn Monroe: which is nothing.  

Monday, December 4, 2017

Americans United: Rokia Hassanein: Jerry Falwell Jr. Admits That The Religious Right's Support For Donald Trump Is About Power, Not Values

Source:Americans United- Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.
Source:The New Democrat

The Religious-Right (Christian-Right, actually) support for a man like Donald Trump is all the evidence that you need to know that this political movement is nothing more than a fraud. This is a moment that self-proclaim's itself being about defending conservative Christian values and what they call American values, and yet they back a man who owns casinos, did business with strip clubs, admits to molesting women, has been divorced twice and cheated on his previous two wives, was pro-choice on abortion up until 2011 or so, a New York City Liberal Democrat, up until 2012 or so, even pro-gay marriage and yet they claim is someone who defends their conservative Christian values. Which of those values is he defending? The divorces, abortion, sexual harassment, gay marriage?

The Christian-Right, at least the hardcore partisans in the movement who seem interested nothing but defeating Democrats at any costs, are a political cult. Religious cult might be too nice for them. They are America's and the West's version of ISIS. They take a religion in Christianity and the Evangelical wing of it and have completely butcher it. And have fooled millions of Southern Anglo-Protestants in America into thinking that they're behind him and back their way of life and defend Christianity everyday. When the only thing that they're doing is backing Republicans who share their fundamentalist theocratic political philosophy.

Jerry Falwell Jr. (the President of Liberty University) support for Donald Trump, is all about politics. It has nothing to do with Christianity and Christian values. Trump wasn't active at all when it came to religion up until a few years ago and can't even quote one line from the Bible. Trump is a Republican and a right-wing Nationalist and Falwell and other members of his movement see his as their ticket to getting right-wing judges appointed and confirmed, as well as getting more right-wing Republicans and so-called Christian-Conservatives elected to office.

Liberal Democrat

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