Monday, October 29, 2018

The Film Archives: This is Your Life With Ralph Edwards - Jayne Mansfield (1960)

Source:The Film Archives- Baby Jayne Mansfield, This is Your Life .
Source:The Daily Review

"Jayne Mansfield (born Vera Jayne Palmer; April 19, 1933 -- June 29, 1967) was an American actress in film, theatre, and television, a nightclub entertainer, a singer, and one of the early Playboy Playmates. More Jayne Mansfield Amazon"

From The Film Archives

This Is Your Life Jayne Mansfield, is a short story in years, but a fascinating story that plays more like a long, but great soap opera for a woman who comes from very humble meanings at least in the sense that wasn't known at all until she went to Hollywood and started landing parts in movies. But then hits it big in Hollywood in the mid 1950s with roles in The Burglar, Will Success Spoil Rockwell Hunter, The Girl Can't Help it, making it clear to Hollywood that she was a good comedian and comedic actress with great timing including musical comedy. Had Jayne stayed on that track I believe we're talking about one of the best comedians and musical comedians of her generation at least.

Source:The Film Archives- Baby Jayne Mansfield, This is Your Life 
But by 1960 she was moving away from Hollywood because she was tired of just doing comedy and wanted to expand her career as an actress and move into drama. The problem that she had was that Hollywood just saw her as a comedian and as a sex symbol. A woman who was obviously gorgeous with the great body, yet who was also as cute as a little girl really up until she died in 1967. And they wanted to use her to sell movies with her sex appeal and comedy. But she wanted to move to drama instead which is who she ends up in Britain in the early 1960s with the movie Too Hot To Handle. But unless you're a huge, dedicated fan of Jayne Mansfield or have lived in Britain, you probably haven't heard of Too Hot To Handle.

Source:The Film Archives- Baby Jayne Mansfield, This is Your Life 
It's Hollywood where Jayne always belonged and if it was drama she wanted to do, then it was soap operas and dramatic comedy like working with Alfred Hitchcock where she should've been working. Instead of trying to do serious roles in TV and films. I tweeted on Twitter ( of all places ) a few weeks ago about Jayne Mansfield with one of my followers ( but not my only follower, ha, ha ) replying to me that she was never taken seriously and wasn't a serious actress. Which is true, but I would qualify that by saying that she wasn't meant to be taken seriously. She wasn't a dumb blonde, but she wasn't cut out for serious roles.

Similar to Mary Tyler Moore, Carol Burnett, Bette Midler, and I'm sure other actresses and comedians she was a natural comedian who was born to entertain and to make people laugh. Which is what she should've been doing her whole career and would've had a great career in Hollywood as a comedian and not try to move away from that.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Leather Dating: 'Rocker Chick- Posing in Leather Jeans and Classic Leather Biker Jacket'

Source:Leather Dating- Rocker chick all leathered up.
Source:The Action Blog 

"As requested by a lot of subscribers here's another video of this awesome leather babe.Get in contact with leather girls, check:Leather Dating." 

From Leather Dating

Leather is very common in American rocker culture at least and perhaps in rocker culture outside of America as well like in Britain. Rocker both men and women have always wanted to be seen as outsiders and outlaws and have gone for fashion that looks similar to what biker men and women wear.

Leather and denim especially together, being very common in biker culture and the same thing with rocker culture. Leather giving the people the feeling of being a rebel who doesn't really fit into mainstream society and rocker culture has always had an outsider outlaw streak and vibe in it.

Rocker chicks, love leather, jeans and boots and the thing with leather is you can do all three of those looks with just leather and not need any other material. Rocker chicks wear not just jeans, but leather jeans and leather boots, along with leather jackets. When women or men are wearing leather jeans, like this woman in this video, they're wearing jeans. When they wear a leather jacket and boots with their jeans, they're a leather jacket with jeans and boots.

They are just wearing leather jeans instead of denim jeans. Leather whether you're talking about jackets, jeans or boots have been very common in rocker culture at least since the late 1970s and early 80s when leather pants including jeans started to become popular in American culture.

The woman in this video even with the slight mohawk or crewcut badass rocker chick look, is absolutely adorable like a little girl except for the outfit and body and looks like a beautiful, sexy rocker chick.

Great black leather jacket, black leather jeans, and boots and looks similar to how Joan Jett would look in public or Melissa Etheridge from 10-15 years ago when she was wearing skin-tight leather jeans everywhere. This is who beautiful, sexy rocker chicks look and why guys love them and love being around them. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

The New Republic: Bryan Mealer- 'The Struggle For a New American Gospel'

Source: The New Republic- TNR: not so liberal anymore. 
Source:The New Democrat

"God first appeared to me in a photograph. I was six years old. A deacon in my family’s Pentecostal church called me over one morning and pulled out a grainy photo from his suit pocket. It was taken from an airplane window, he said. Out past the wing, suspended in the clouds, was the faint image of a man. “That’s Jesus,” he told me."

From The New Republic

"What is the history of the freedom of religion as outlined in the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution? How is this freedom enforced? How does religious policy manifest in the real world?"

Source: History- Thomas Jefferson, one of our Founding Liberals. 
From History

As someone who grew up in an Atheist family where both my father and mother were Atheists at least when I was growing up, (I believe Mom is more of an Agnostic now, but Dad if he could would probably outlaw religion and has more of a communist view of it) I've never been very religious at all.

I grew up with hardcore Atheists during a time when the Christian-Right was becoming very powerful in America politics at least within the Republican Party and with Republicans who represent a lot of fundamentalist Christians, so I grew in Maryland just outside of Washington in the 1980s and early 1990s and got to see both fringes when it comes to religion in America.

But because I come from Atheists and have seen what religion looks like from the other side, I'm not in love with either camp and I'm not religious, but I'm not ready to say God doesn't exist and religion in itself is a bad thing.

As a Liberal if there any religious values I believe in its do unto others what you would do to you. Meaning treat people the way you want to be treated. And if that's not good enough for you there's always a backup plan which is treat others the way they treat you. If someone is a jerk ( to be kind ) to you, you can be a jerk to them. But don't be a jerk just because you want to be a jerk, or you are a jerk and if you are a jerk, reform your ways and learn how to treat people properly.

The other religious value and this is I believe probably best liberal value out there along with free speech and racial and color blindness is live and let live. Meaning you make your bed in life and live with the consequences and responsibilities from making your own decisions, but you let others do the same thing and don't try to micromanage people especially adults. Which gets to the last reason I'm not religious which is you don't see religions that tend to believe in these things even from the Left.

From the Right all you basically get now a days at least from what's reported is that homosexuality, women's liberation, personal freedom and individualism in general are ruining America. From the Left, you just get a lot of social democratic propaganda that for a government to be moral it must take care of the poor and that somehow being wealthy is some type of sin.

If there were or is and perhaps someone who is smarter than me when it comes to religion knows this better than me, but if there is a religion that preaches the liberal values that I just mentioned before, even though I don't believe in God, I could probably get into that religion myself and at least want to check out that house of worship and hear preachers talk about the value of live and let live, do unto others what you would do to you, racial and ethnic tolerance and not just for minorities, but for all people all races and ethnicities, as well as traditional religious values like helping the needy help themselves through charity.

As a Liberal I don't believe in God because as a Liberal I believe in reason which tends to be out of line with faith. Faith about belief and believing in something even if you can't see it because the facts and evidence don't back it up. Reason of course is about evidence and believing in what you can actually see for yourself. But I don't believe you have to believe in God to be religious, but just believe in a certain set of religious and moral values that others believe in as well.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Jayne Mansfield Diamonds To Dust: The Girl Can't Help It (1956) 'Jayne Mansfield: Doing The Jerri Jordan Walk'

Source:Jayne Mansfield Diamonds To Dust- Tom Ewell and Jayne Mansfield, in The Girl Can't Help It. 
Source:The Daily Review 

"Jayne Mansfield doing the Jerri Jordan walk and later emphasizes large milk jugs. Scene from 1956's The Girl Can't Help It, starring Jayne Mansfield." 

From Jayne Mansfield: Diamonds To Dust

The Girl Can't Help It from 1956, is a movie that Jayne Mansfield was born to be in and Jerri Jordan might be the character she was born to play. Jayne, was put on this planet to entertain, make people, to be the Halloween eye candy. And I'm not criticizing her for any of this or calling her a bimbo or anything like that. I have a lot of respect for her as an entertainer and have never seen her as a bimbo.

Source: Little White Lies- Tom Ewell and Jayne Mansfield, in The Girl Can't Help It 
And there are a lot of great entertainers who've made their careers as comedians like Johnny Carson, David Letterman, Bob Newhart, Bette Midler, who were born to make people laugh and bring smiles to their faces and have made great careers for them. Jayne Mansfield, isn't any of these people, but those entertainers aren't Jayne Mansfield with her goddess little girl adorable features, with her great comedic and musical abilities.

Source: Kenneth H. Smith- Hollywood Goddess and Babydoll Jayne Mansfield, as Jerri Jordan in The Girl Can't Help It 
What also made Jayne great in The Girl Can't Help It, was not that she was basically herself, because she wasn't in that movie. Rockwell Hunter, which came out in 1957 where Jayne plays Hollywood actress Rita Marlowe is where Jayne basically plays herself in that movie. The Girl Can't Help It, she plays the girlfriend of a Hollywood mogul who has been in a career slump and hasn't produced a hit or really anything in a while and he sees his girlfriend Jerri Jordan ( played by Jayne ) as his next superstar and ticket back in the industry that will jumpstart his career again.

The problem is unlike in Rockwell Hunter, Jerri wants nothing to do with being a star and celebrity. The only career goal that she seems to have in this movie is to be the housewife of the man that she falls in love with. If you're familiar with the real Jayne Mansfield, you know that always wanted to be a Hollywood starlet.

Jayne Mansfield, always saw more for herself in her career in Hollywood which is probably why it dried up because she wanted to be a great dramatic actress and consistently turned down parts in comedies including musical comedies, but came back to Hollywood in early 1960s after working in  Britain to do Too Hot To Handle and had a major role as George Raft's girlfriend in The George Raft Story, Kiss Me Stupid in 1964, and then a Guide For The Married Man in 1967, which she made right before she tragically died in 1967.

 I believe Jayne could've had a great career as a comedic actress and just as a musical comedian as well similar to Bette Midler where she would go on stage to sing, dance, and do standup and joke around with the audience. Which is what she was doing when she was on the nightclub circuit in the last years of her life., but had a much better career with and doing more films, had she not left Hollywood in the late 1950s and early 60s and continued down that career path, but she thought she should be doing more than just comedy.

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